2025 Elections Calendars
Powered by Democracy Works for TurboVote partners and Civic Alliance member companies
Check out two calendars below to plan your voter outreach and communications for the year!
2025 Notable Elections Preview: 150+ elections at the federal, state, and local level (cities and towns with over 200,000 people) we expect to happen in 2025.
2025 Election Dates, Deadlines, and Guides: Dates, deadlines, early voting periods, and more for upcoming elections.
The election data collected by Democracy Works goes through extensive quality assurance checks by our team of election experts. This resource is frequently updated with that data as more election information becomes available and as details change.
While Democracy Works partners and affiliated organizations are permitted to use these resources, you may not copy the data from our resources or use the data to build a new resource or tool. If you are interested in leveraging Democracy Works data, please contact us to learn more.
2025 Notable Elections Preview
This calendar highlights 150+ elections at the federal, state, and local level (cities and towns with over 200,000 people) we expect to happen in 2025.
2025 Election Dates, Deadlines, & Guides
If you create content to educate voters or lead voter engagement efforts for your organization, our Election Dates, Deadlines, & Guides resource will be your best friend. Plan your voter communications with dates, deadlines, early voting periods, and more!
Check out the Headers Key below the calendar to learn how to get the most out of this resource.
Headers key
Note: A blank cell = N/A (e.g., if an early vote start and end date is blank for an election, then early voting is likely not available for that election)
The state in which the election is taking place. This does not mean that the election applies to the entire state. The majority of elections occurring in 2025 are at the local or municipal level.
Election date
The date of the election is listed in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Election name
The clear and descriptive name of the election.
Election type
The jurisdiction level in which the election is taking place. Only the highest level of jurisdiction will be represented by this field, even if there are additional contests and measures at lower levels. For example, if there is a countywide contest on the ballot or if every voter in a county can participate, the Election type will be county, even if some municipalities also have elections.
TurboVote election guide
TurboVote election guides contain dynamically-updated key actions, deadlines, and FAQs to help voters make a plan and vote. TurboVote will publish an election guide for each of the thousands of elections we plan to cover in 2025.
Early voting start date
The first day any registered voter can cast a ballot in person in the election. Locations and rules for early voting vary by state and election, details can be found in the "Early voting website" URL.
Early voting end date
The last day any registered voter can cast a ballot in person before Election Day. Locations and rules for early voting vary by state and election, details can be found in the "Early voting website" URL.
Early voting website
A link to additional information about voting early for the election or in the state. Please review the website thoroughly before sharing this information with your audience, as rules and regulations vary by state and election.
Deadline to register online
The last day to register to vote before the election via a state’s online voter registration (OVR) tool. This deadline can differ from by-mail or in-person deadlines. If this field is blank, then the state does not have OVR.
Deadline to register by mail
The last day to register to vote before the election via sending a paper voter registration form by mail. This deadline can differ from online or in-person deadlines. If this field is blank, then the state does not have a paper voter registration deadline.
Deadline to register in-person
The last day to register to vote before the election in-person at a location other than an Election Day voting location*. This deadline can differ from online or by-mail deadlines. If this field is equal to Election date, voter registration is available on Election Day at a designated location that is not a voting location*.
Election Day registration availability
Availability of same-day registration on Election Day at all voting locations.
“Registration at voting location” = register at polling place/vote center/etc.
“Registration at designated location” = register at a non-voting location (example:
local election office, satellite office)
[Blank] = not available
Deadline to request a ballot to vote by mail
The last day to request an absentee/mail ballot for the election from your local election office. We advise voters to return their absentee ballots as soon as possible and contact their local election official for more information.
State website
A link to additional information about the corresponding election or voting in the state.
*Voting location refers to any place a voter can cast a ballot in person on Election Day, including but not limited to polling places and vote centers.
Additional help for voters
TurboVote offers a fully-staffed help desk to answer any questions voters may have. You can reach the help desk by emailing help@turbovote.org or by responding to any SMS or email notification you receive from TurboVote.

Let’s talk!
Learn more about elections data and voting guidance from Democracy Works.