Voter Registration Assistance
Help your audience quickly register to vote in all 50 states and D.C.
Every state handles voter registration differently. They have different forms, different deadlines, different rules. Whether your audience is limited to one state or is spread nationwide, you can rely on us to be the experts on voter registration and help your users get registered to vote.
More than 15 million Americans have taken advantage of TurboVote’s tools. Not only will we help your audience register to vote, but we’ll also ensure they have the guidance they need to successfully cast their ballot.
TurboVote’s voter registration assistance tool is conveniently accessible from your TurboVote homepage, on state guides and when a voter checks their registration and is not registered or not active.
When encouraging your audience to register, you can link to the voter registration assistance form from your digital ads and email newsletters, or seamlessly embed it on your own website. Keep your audience engaged with your messaging and brand while TurboVote helps them navigate the registration process.
How It Works
The registration process is simplified for users. First, they provide their full name, address, date of birth, and contact information. Then, TurboVote provides guidance on the registration options in their state and they decide if they want to register online (where permitted) or via paper forms.
Because the final step of voter registration occurs directly with their local election authority, we send voters to the authoritative state website to complete the online process. For voters that need to register on paper, we’ll provide them with the address to mail their pre-filled form and send them a reminder to submit it. Moving forward, users will receive election reminders from TurboVote so they never miss an opportunity to vote.

Let’s talk!
Learn more about how TurboVote can help your audience register to vote