Embeddable Voting Hub
Elevate your brand and messaging by embedding a customized voting hub on your site.
Engage Voters on Your Site
Embedding TurboVote on your site allows you to add a voting hub into the website infrastructure you have already built. This will allow voters to continue engaging with your content and stay on your website longer, while still being able to access the crucial election information and voting guidance they need.
Amplify and elevate your own brand by embedding TurboVote on your site. Voters will directly associate our trusted voting information with your brand, and establish you as a leader in civic engagement.
It takes multiple avenues to reach and connect with voters and get them into the voting booth. You handle the “why,” and we’ll take the “how.” You are best equipped to inspire your audience to vote, and we’ll ensure they have the tools they need to do so.
TurboVote Embed Solution
You can embed all TurboVote tools and guides from one starting place with your custom TurboVote homepage, or you can embed any single TurboVote tool or guide, including:
Sign-up forms, to drive users to get election reminders, check their registration, or register to vote
Any state or local election guide to engage users in a particular election
How to Embed TurboVote
Meet voters where they are! No matter your web platform, it’s easy to embed TurboVote tools onto your website. Popular website platforms (e.g., Squarespace, Wix, etc.) make it simple to embed TurboVote elements into most of their responsive templates, so integrating a TurboVote tool or guide generally only requires adding a couple of lines of HTML.
As users progress through TurboVote tools, our embeds resize themselves to ensure users never see a scrollbar, which can be confusing particularly on mobile devices.
Ready to get started? Learn more about how simple it is to embed TurboVote on your site.
Try out our live example embed below:
Drive Traffic to Your Site
Links to election guides in both upcoming election and vote tomorrow email and SMS reminders can now open in the TurboVote embed on your website (instead of your partner site hosted on turbovote.org). This helps keep your users on your site where they can view the rest of your content and will know and trust your brand.
For example, if you had your tool embeded at planmyvote.org/vote a user clicking the link in the upcoming Connecticut Primary Election would be taken to that same page on your website but with parameters that control what is in the embed e.g: https://planmyvote.org/vote?tv-p=/elections/ct/2024-08-13
Learn more about driving traffic with election reminders on our support site.

Let’s talk!
Learn more about how TurboVote can help you activate your audience to vote in every election.