Embed TurboVote

Meet voters where they are! No matter your platform, it’s easy to embed TurboVote tools onto your website.

See examples of TurboVote tools and guides embedded on our Demo Site

Popular website platforms (e.g., Squarespace, Wix) make it simple to embed TurboVote elements into most of their responsive templates, so integrating a TurboVote tool or guide generally only requires embedding a couple of lines of HTML.

Create a single page and embed your TurboVote home page to offer all of our voting tools from a single starting point. (Consider doing so in Spanish as well!)

Create your own content sections to describe each tool, and link to a page per action as show on our home page example. For example:

Looking for technical documentation? Visit our new support center.

Let’s talk!

Learn more about how you can launch a voting hub seamlessly on your website with TurboVote.