Turning Fan Engagement into Voter Action with HeadCount and Propeller
A collaboration among HeadCount, Propeller, and TurboVote helped turn fans into voters.

Building Better Democracies: Change.org's Journey with TurboVote
How Change.org wove TurboVote into its existing civic engagement strategy.

“America’s Government Teacher” Sharon McMahon Empowers Audience to Vote
As a civic educator, Sharon McMahon says partnering with TurboVote is a natural fit.

Yale Creates Actionable Voting Hub to Help Students Participate in 2024 Elections
Yale integrated TurboVote into their website for a custom voter engagement hub for students.

BigTentUSA Embeds TurboVote to Engage Their Audience
Keep your audience on your site by embedding TurboVote directly into your existing content.

Scale Up Voter Engagement Efforts with TurboVote
The Council on American Islamic Relations uses TurboVote to scale up its voter engagement efforts across chapters.

Engaging Voters in Non-Federal Elections Using TurboVote
Innovation Ohio relied on TurboVote to support voters for Ohio’s Aug. 8 special election on a proposed State Constitutional Amendment.

Seamlessly Integrating TurboVote into Campus Life
Wagner College aids its in-person civic engagement efforts by utilizing TurboVote to digitally engage students.

Inspiring Civic Participation through Competition
University of Florida earned a big win over Tennessee in the voting booth.

Student-Led Voter Engagement Innovation
At LSU, students stepped up to ensure peers vote in every election by embracing TurboVote to increase engagement within existing student technology.

How Healthcare Professionals Use TurboVote to Uplift Patient Voices
TurboVote helped Vot-ER users achieve higher-than-expected voter turnout, particularly with lower-propensity voters.